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10’ x 50’ Underground Storm / Survival Bunker

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  • 10’ x 50’ Underground Storm / Survival Bunker

    Hello Everyone!

    Here is my latest design visualization piece for the Rising S Company located in Dallas, Texas, USA.

    YouTube Animation Link:

    This animation project depicts a Silver Leaf Series 10’ x 50’ underground storm / survival bunker. People desire underground bunkers for a variety of reasons, however the most common reasons are customers who are concerned about civil unrest following a disastrous political or climatic event; or the increasing threat against our Civil Liberties from an increasingly tyrannical United States Federal Government.

    This bunker has numerous amenities including: kitchen, pantry, bathroom, living room, bunk room, master bedroom and escape tunnel. These bunkers is made from 100% steel and offer several upgraded features such as NBC air-filtration systems, 12v solar power, fully functional plumbing and septic systems, infrared surveillance systems and escape tunnels.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	00PatioHatchLift.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	475.7 KB
ID:	877810Click image for larger version

Name:	02Kitchen.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	236.1 KB
ID:	877811Click image for larger version

Name:	03Dining.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	253.1 KB
ID:	877812Click image for larger version

Name:	08BedroomB.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	250.4 KB
ID:	877813Click image for larger version

Name:	06FamilyA.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	292.6 KB
ID:	877814

    Comments and Critique are always welcome. Thanks!


    Call To Action to my fellow Americans:

    I don't want to get too political here, but I can't sit back and say nothing while our country deteriorates in front of me. If you're still stuck in the Republican vs. Democrat paradigm our country needs you to wake up! The Rep vs. Dem Paradigm is simply political theater to distract the American public from the truth that both dominant political parties support Big Government and the deterioration of the US Constitution and Bill of Rights. The new paradigm is FREEDOM vs. TYRANNY. Our government is out of control and no longer supports FREEDOM for all. We The People need to stand up for our Civil Rights, and re-establish the US Constitution and Bill of Rights as THE guiding documents of our nation.

    No more 20,000+ page laws that only increase the size of government! No more spying on our fellow citizens emails and phone calls! No more killing of American Journalists (via "accidents" and "heart attacks") because they were trying to report on issues that the American people need to hear about! No more attempts to outlaw the guns that preserve our Freedoms from oppression! Stand up America! Stand up for your Freedoms!

    If you don't know where to seek the TRUTH, these Alternative News Media sources are a good start:

    Stay FREE my friends!

  • #2
    new world order stylee
    Immersive media - design and production


    • #3
      Vray was originally funded by the Illuminati to counteract a ploy from the developers of mental ray to take control of the US through it's ability to integrate subliminal non-visual auditory messages into everything it renders. who was mental ray funded by? none other than the us government itself. wake up!!


      • #4
        Because it's here I have to assume that it was done with Vray but to be honest the quality is like a videogame from few years ago.... it looks like lights without GI and a bit of AO then baked textures.
        Last edited by flino2004; 10-07-2013, 05:21 AM.
        show me the money!!


        • #5
          We of the NWO demand you use a different AA filter to get rid of those high-contrast lines around your blown out lights and reflections. We will be wiretapping your VFB so we can confirm our orders are executed.


          • #6
            And not surprisingly, they're watching Duck Dynasty...


            • #7
              elivnA, about the AA on the lights. I use the Mitchell-Netrivali filter, but for some reason it won't anti-alias the edge of a planar Vray light. If you know how to fix this please let me know. On the next project that I'm working on right now I have simply pushed the Vray light behind a "lens" and removed illumination and shadow casting. This way the AA filter renders a smooth line between lens and edging, and the light simply shines through from behind.


              • #8
                flino2004, I would have loved to spend more time on the lighting but the project didn't have the budget, and when compared to the reference pictures from the company the lighting did have similar high contrast areas around the light fixtures so it's not quite as far off as you might think. elivnA nailed it with his comment about the AA issue and over-bright reflections of the lights, I was never 100% happy with them but needed to wrap it up and move on to the next project.

                Thanks for the comments everyone.

                ~ G


                • #9
                  Originally posted by GRDesign View Post
                  elivnA, about the AA on the lights. I use the Mitchell-Netrivali filter, but for some reason it won't anti-alias the edge of a planar Vray light. If you know how to fix this please let me know. On the next project that I'm working on right now I have simply pushed the Vray light behind a "lens" and removed illumination and shadow casting. This way the AA filter renders a smooth line between lens and edging, and the light simply shines through from behind.
                  Using that filter results in the problems you have now, try setting it to Area or Triangle. If that doesn't work, turn on clamp output or lower your lights intensity.


                  • #10
                    You have a lot reflective surfaces and it looks like you didn't use fresnel and/or glossiness lower than 1.... They are only more or less reflective.... The cabinets and walls in my opinion need glossiness and fresnel.
                    About the illumination, if you have the light sources where they are is fine but the shadows look very defined....try vraylight, if you used standard light make sure that you pick vray shadows.
                    show me the money!!


                    • #11
                      You should contact your customer and tell him this bunker is missing the most important part.. treadmills !
                      It won´t work otherwise !


                      • #12
                        The living room shot is a classic, what else would you do in a "civil unrest" except run to your bunker, turn the tv on, and watch it all unfold in your recliner while consuming large quantities of alcohol
                        Another good reason for the well stocked bar, 4 people, one bed?


                        • #13
                          on top of the other changes people have suggested...personally i'd remove the 3d people and photoshop in some figures - they're too distracting at the moment.
                          a lot of your materials seem to resemble high gloss plastic? dialing back the glossiness and knocking back the reflections will help massively.
                          maybe have a look at the way other people on the forum are using displacement for rugs as well - you can achieve a much more realistic effect without too much effort - there are plenty of discussions and tutorials around on the web.

                          as an aside, the women in the kitchen, the 2 guys sat watching TV... bit of a cliché dontcha think?
                          Last edited by s0real; 12-07-2013, 02:34 AM.
                          when the going gets weird, the weird turn pro - hunter s. thompson


                          • #14
                            Everything, not only pictures.


                            • #15
                              really really weird and scary
                              my middle american racist christian right wing overlord nightmare

